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6100 Areni Triniti 干红葡萄酒wine

TRINITY 6100 Areni Trinity Red Dry Wine

单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 644
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description
这一款干红葡萄酒是 Areni Noir 黑葡萄所酿造的最佳红酒之一。其成熟的黑色浆果、焦糖气味和微微的香料味道反映了 Areni 的独特和美妙个性。运用现代酿酒技术和亚美尼亚传统酿酒方式的完美结合,最后酿成这一款红葡萄酒。在高加索橡木桶中保存12 个月以后才对市场开放,有着深厚的红宝石色。


This wine is one of the best expressions of the Areni Noir grapes. Filled with flavors of ripe black fruits, caramel tones and a slight touch of spices, it reflects the unique and wonderful individuality of Areni. Crafted by combining the most advanced technology of modern winemaking and the Armenian winemaking traditions, it was aged in Caucasian oak barrels for 12 months and has a deep ruby color.

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