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Google changed our life in 10 Years: The top 10 Projects after IPO

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Google changed our life in 10 Years: The top 10 Projects after IPO
Have you ever imagined life with Google. The search engine and its various services including Google Maps, Google Chrome, Google Glass, Chromecast and others have become an integral part of our life and our daily routine. Whenever we are in problem, the first solution coming to mind is Google. Whether its browsing, sharing emails, chat or finding locations or directions, we simply Google and use its range of services.

10 years ago, search giant Google entered into the initial public offering (IPO) and since then it continued to grow. It set many paths and laid many projects with an aim to redefine the interconnectivity with technology.
Let’s have a look at the top ten Google products and the search engine’s journey so far:
Google Maps
Then comes the most important Google service that has become a necessary evil for any traveler. It’s the Google Maps. The service was unveiled in February 2005. With time it grew as being more tech-savvy and latest technologies integrated into it. The Google Maps became more interactive with satellite views, driving directions and traffic data that in total resulted into an easy and pain-free commutation for everyone.
Google Street View

Google Street View made debut in May 2007 within the Google Maps platform. It allows users to explore five major US cities at eye level. Apart from the US, the users can also explore all seven continents on the computer screens.
Google Self-Driving Car

In May, Google launched a prototype of its first self-driving car but unfortunately it didn’t receive a go ahead to bring the vehicle on open road. According to the company, the autonomous vehicles were developed with an idea that they could lessen or completely remove the burden of travel for many. A self-driving car could prove to be a wonderful car for many people especially elderly who might not otherwise be able to drive or those who are drunk. Hence, they could keep a check on rash driving.
Google Shopping Express
The tech giant’s next endeavor is the shopping express. It entered into business of same-day delivery of physical goods at customers’ home. With this development, the web users were able to shop inventory from several online stores from Google’s Shopping Express site. They were also offered with the option of selecting their favorable delivery time and place and a Google Express delivery person will get that for you. Currently the services are only available in parts of Manhattan and California.
Project Loon

With Project Loon, Google aimed at interconnecting the world with internet service. The tech giant found the solution in balloons as they believed these flying objects may solve the problem of poor or no internet access in areas that lacks proper infrastructure for the same.
Google Glass
Google Glass is the futuristic eyewear that could click your photo and overlays your digital information into the real world.

Google Chrome, the name which has became a routine now for almost everyone, is one of the fastest web browsers available in the market. It was released five years ago and now it has over 750 million users.
Google tried to enter in the TV world in July 2013. Chromecast is as small as a ketchup packet. It’s easily plugged into an HDTV and connects to the Internet. This allows users to control what is running on the screen through an existing tablet, laptop and smartphone.
Project Ara
With the aim of making affordable phones a reality, the search giant brought ‘Project Ara’. It is an affordable smartphone with swappable and customizable hardware. Now, the users won’t have to wait for a new phone and can simply swap in the modules.
In the year 2007, Google introduced the first open platform for mobile devices Android. The platform’s capabilities was gradually innovated, reformed and expanded by the company and outside developers. In June, the firm launched Android Wear smart watches, which can sync the watch with their Android phones.


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