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 蜜枣:Dried Mutcho Dates

冰糖:Crystal Sugar

莲子:Dried Lotus Seed

黑糯:Black Glutinous Rice (Glutinous:粘性的)

糯米粉:Glutinous Rice Flour

西米:Tapioca Pearl (Tapioca:木薯粉)

薏米: Pearl Barley (Barley:大麦)

红豆:顾名思义--Red Bean

绿豆:不能顾名思义--Mung Beans


西洋菜干:Dehydrated Water Cress (Cress:水芹)

稀饭  rice porridge

白饭  plain white rice

糯米饭 glutinous rice

蛋炒饭 fried rice with egg

烧饼  clay oven rolls

油条  fried bread stick

水饺  boiled met dumpling

馒头  steamed buns

刀削面 sliced noodles

麻辣面 spicy hot noodles

乌龙面 seafood noodles

板条  flat noodles

蛋卷     egg roll  
春卷     spring roll  
锅贴     fried meat dumpling

葱油饼   northern chinese special fried pancake with scallion&oil

炸云吞   deep fried won ton  

炸虾     deep fried breaded shrimps with chips 

泡菜     szechuan pickled pungent vegetables 
炸虾花   shrimp balls 

墨鱼圈   calamari rings 

洋葱圈   onion rings


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