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核心提示:金融保险 BANKING AND INSURANCE BUSINESS  (银行、商业、消费、国家、民间)信用 (banking, commercial, consuming, state and

  (银行、商业、消费、国家、民间)信用 (banking, commercial, consuming, state and non-governmental)credits

A banking market system majored by call markets, stock markets and foreign exchange regulating markets is primarily formed in the Municipality.
  实贷实存 actual loans and deposits
  融通资金 allocate funds
  规模效益 an economy of scale
  买方信贷/卖方信贷 buyer credits/supplier credits
  税种(营业税、所得税、增值税、消费税、流转税、关税) category of tax(business tax, value added tax 〖VAT〗,consumption tax, turnover tax, tariff)
  外贸结算常用 英语 -商业票据 commercial bills
  信贷规模管理(存款准备金率、中央银行贷款利率、公开市场业务) control over scale of bank credit (reserve ratio on deposits, central bank's lending rates, open market operations)
  外贸结算 常用英语 -采取灵活措施 exercise flexible measures
  融资(项目贷款、债券股票融资、集资、游资、经常性贷款、贷款利率、赠款、担保人) financing(project financing, financing in the form of bonds and stocks, fund raising, idle funds, commercial lending, lending rate, grants, guarantor)
  财税改革 fiscal and tax reform
  经过15年的努力,中国已经初步完成了价格改革,截止到1992年底,靠市场调节价格的商品已占93%。 Following 15 years of effort, China has initially completed prices reform. By the end of 1992, commodities subject to market regulation have accounted for 93%.
  外贸结算 常用英语 -回收快 gain quick return
  积极发挥利率的经济杠杆作用。扩大了计息范围划分了利率种类和档次实行区别利率同时推行浮动利率。 Giving full play to the economic lever function of interest rates. Spheres of interest-reckoning are expanded. differentiated interest rates are carried out b dividing interest rates into various kinds and levels. Floating interest rates are adopted.
  宽限期 grace period
  便民服务 handy service for the public
  失业保险 insurance for the unemployed
  大额定期储蓄存单 large amount deposit receipts
  信贷额度 line of credit
  财政包干 local governments are responsible for their own finance; fiscal contract responsibility system
  允许外汇额度和现汇进行市场调节,价格随行就市。 Market regulations of foreign exchange quotas and cash remittances are permitted, and prices are changeable according t changes of the market.
  生活待遇 material amenities

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