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“快乐小猴” Happy Monkey

  • 品牌名称:“快乐小猴” Happy Monkey
  • 公司名称:斯洛文尼亚西蒙扎维斯克公司
  • 官方主页:暂无
  • 所在地区:南欧斯洛文尼亚
  • 浏览次数17127
  • 更新日期:2016-01-13
2012年,公司决意扩大生产线,开始了Happy Monkey奶昔生产和销售,风味独特,深受儿童的喜爱。
2013年获得英国Design Effectiveness 设计奖金奖;同时还获得了英国Bizziebaby Uk和 Loved By Parents金奖。2014年,获得Loved By Parents金奖。
公司最新推出的水果果浆饮料,包括热带水果和夏季水果两种风味,并斩获了Gentle Parenting金奖。
公司同时还赞助了Bliss London Buggy Push 和Great Ormond Street Hospital Race等亲子活动,品牌影响力大大提升。


It all began in 2009 when two friends with over 40 years’ experience of running UK food companies between them decided that they’d really like to quit their day jobs and go do something less boring instead. That something was Happy Monkey and from the beginning their aim was to produce smoothies for children with 100% fruit that count as 1 of your 5 a day while also benefitting the environment. 
The first thing they did was to create two delicious flavours – orange & mango and strawberry & banana – with no added sugar, no sweeteners, no preservatives, no bits and 100% pure fruit. Each carton contains one full portion of fruit and is an ideal size for a lunchbox. That last bit may not have any health benefits, but it’s handy for parents to know when agonizing over what to put in their kids lunchbox each day.
As for the environment, if you check out their award-winning packaging (more of that later) you will see that they have the Rainforest Alliance Certified seal. What this means is that by joining forces with Rainforest Alliance they have ensured that all the bananas are grown in an environmentally sustainable way and that fair wages are paid to the workers so they can enjoy better living conditions, housing, medical care for them and their dependents plus free education for their children. The bananas come from Ecuador, home to the Galapagos Islands and the very tasty dish of ceviche.
So with the health benefits and environment all sorted the next step was to get the drinks out there to the general public. How hard can it be we wondered? Extremely was the answer. Especially when no one knows your name. So armed with an unwavering belief in their brand and drinks, they set about making sure enough people did know their name - not their real names as they are quite ordinary, more Happy Monkey – and despite the small matter of a global recession, virtually no marketing budget and some very stiff opposition in the kids’ smoothie department the company have seen year on year increase in sales.
Their expectations have been bettered so much we decided to expand and at the end of 2012 Happy Monkey Milkshakes arrived. They come in two great tasting flavours - chocolate and strawberry – and contain all the goodness of milk, have no artificial flavours or colouring and are school approved. Did we say they taste great as well? Yes? Ok, we’ll move on then.
This year 2015 has seen the arrival of our thirst quenching Fruit Splashie drinks, which come in two mouth-watering flavours – Tropical and Summer Fruits. Another Gold award was picked up and put on the mantelpiece from Gentle Parenting, while they continue to increase the involvement with charity groups, supporting the Bliss London Buggy Push and the Great Ormond Street Hospital Race for the Kids 5k family fun run as well as sponsoring local sports groups. They’ve also been seen on the red carpet supporting numerous film premieres such as Penguins of Madagascar and Nativity 3. Their sponsorship of the hugely-popular Big Fish Little Fish family raves and craft room continues to grow and we were delighted to see them win the 2015 National Family Arts Festival Award for Best Family Activity.

Happy Monkey has been recognised for both product and design within the industry and by influential parent review sites:

Winner of Loved by Parents Gold Award for Best Children’s Drink in 2013,2014, 2015
Winner of Loved by Children Gold Award 2014 for Best Children’s Brand and Best Children’s Drink
Winner of Gentle Parenting Gold Award 2014 for Best Children’s Drink
Winner of Bizziebaby.co.uk Gold Award
Gold Winner in DBA Design Effectiveness Awards

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