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意大利Fun&fun童装 clothes

品牌: Fun&fun
单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 1369
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description

品牌: Fun & Fun

Fun & Fun are the Italian kids clothing manufacturers known across the globe for their quality of garments and designs. Fun & Fun design their clothing with vibrant colours and unique statement prints. These clothes are playful and imaginative. These clothes reflect what the childhood is and will make every kid smile and feel confident.

Now we give you an opportunity to get these clothes for a tiny fraction of retail price. This offer is perfect for someone needing a fresh colourful collection in their shops.

The composition of the lot:

T-Shirt, blouse 15-16 psc
Shirt 8-9 psc
Dress 7-8 psc
Bridge 7-8 psc
Trouser 1-2 psc
Skirt 1-2 psc
Jumper, sweater 1-2 psc
Denim 0-1 psc
Leggings 0-1 psc
Jacket 0-1 psc
Blazer 0-1 psc
Gilet 0-1 psc
Mix 4-5 psc

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