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秘鲁特级小粒咖啡Coffea Arabica L.

Coffea Arabica L.

单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 984
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description








Organic Cultivation
Our coffees are decorated with the federal seal for organic cultivation. And that is with good reason. The plantations selected by us were certified and awarded with the seal of organic produce only after a long transition period and a comprehensive selection process.

This certification process guarantees an extremely sensitive cultivation of the coffee cherries in the strictly controlled area. The processing of the beans also follows strict organic principals the importers as well as the roasters are inspected and certified under the game conditions. This is our guarantee for you...

This effort includes providing farmers with technical assistance and training to produce coffee in a more sustainable manner.
Through these efforts, Selt Company endeavors to strengthen local economies, preserve biodiversity and give farmers the tools they need to improve their production.
When farmers can deliver a more consistent, high-quality bean, it increases the chances that their yield can be sold for a higher price, helping to improve their livelihood.
It also helps our business because by supporting the development of sustainable farming practices Selt Company hopes to ensure coffee's long-term availability in the region.

· Scientific Name: Coffea Arabica L.
· Grade: Special
· Class: Arabic
· Type: Conventional / Organic
· Height: 1,600 m.
· Output: 85%
· Humidity: 12%
· Place of Origin: Peru
· Package: Yute Bags

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