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原产冈比亚生腰果 raw cashew nut

raw cashew nut

单价: 面议
起订: 面议
供货总量: 面议
浏览次数: 1353
公司基本资料信息[Company Info]
产品详细说明/Detailed product description
(2)每1公斤199 - 215粒
(3)水分7% max
(4)破损6% Max
(5)杂质0.5% max。
冈比亚规格(1)螺每1公斤 180 -- 200 粒
(2)每80公斤产出50 - 52磅
(3)破损7% max
(4)水分10% max
几内亚比绍5000 - 10000吨 、冈比亚2,000到3000,几内亚科纳克里3000到4000 吨。
冈比亚500 吨/月,几内亚比绍每月1000 吨、几内亚科纳克里每月500 吨。

raw cashew nut
spce of raw cashe nut,
SGS test form Guinea Conakry
Guinea Bissua, Guinea Conakry, and Gambia.
Specifications Bissua, is (1) 49 to 51lbs, (2 ) Nut count 199 to 215 per 1 Kg (3) Moisture; 7% max (4) Total Defective ; 6% Max (5) Foreign matter 0.5% max.
pecification Gambia (1)Nut count 180 to 200 per 1 Kg (2 ) out turn 50 to 52 lbs per 80KGs, (3) defeectives; 7% max (4) moisture 10% max, (5) foriegn matter 0. 5% Max.
raw cashew nut
spce of raw cashe nut,
SGS test form Guinea Conakry
Guinea Bissua, Guinea Conakry, and Gambia.
Specifications Bissua, is (1) 49 to 51lbs, (2 ) Nut count 1990 to 215 per 1 Kg (3) Moisture; 7% max (4) Total Defective ; 6% Max (5) Foreign matter 0.5% max.
pecification Gambia (1)Nut count 180 to 200 per 1 Kg (2 ) out turn 50 to 52 lbs per 80KGs, (3) defeectives; 7% max (4) moisture 10% max, (5) foriegn matter 0. 5% Max.

In Guinea Bissau 5,000 to 10,000 MTS, Gambia 2, 000 to 3,000 MTS and Guinea Conakry 3,000 to 4000 MTS. Every month Gambia 5,00 MTS, Guinea Bissau 1,000 MTS per month, and Guinea Conakry 5,00 MTS. But price sometimes changes every 2weeks, either it go up or down, but for past 2 years every time raw cashew nuts price goes up every time during e session.

温馨提示:本页[原产冈比亚生腰果 raw cashew nut]信息由[冈比亚纽雅布贸易公司]提供,该企业负责信息内容的真实性、准确性和合法性。进出口网对此不承担任何保证连带责任。建议双方交易时采用安全的方式,以保证双方利益。

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