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Global energy saving market worth at least $310bn a year

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根据国际能源署(International Energy Agency)的一份报告,更为环保的产品正开始对很多国家的能源消耗产生巨大影响。
国际能源署能源效率和环境部门主管、该报告合作作者菲利普•贝努瓦(Philippe Benoit)表示,尽管能源效率投资总额现在每年至少为3100亿美元,但需要投入更多资金将二氧化碳排放量降至科学家认为可避免气候变化危险的水平。
Global energy saving market worth at least $310bn a year

A surge in LED lighting, cleaner car engines and smarter fridges round the world has helped create an energy saving market worth at least $310bn a year, new figures suggest.
The greener products are also starting to have a measurable impact on the amount of energy used in many countries, according to a report by the International Energy Agency.
Among 18 countries studied in the report, including the US, Japan, Korea and the UK, final energy use fell 5 per cent between 2001 and 2011, mostly because of investments in energy efficiency.
But improved efficiency is having some of the biggest impact in people’s homes, wher it is entirely responsible for pushing down energy use 5 per cent from 2001.
In most of the countries studied, demand for white goods such as refrigerators and washing machines is not growing as fast as it was, while these appliances are getting smarter at using electricity.
This is being offset in some instances by televisions, smart phones, personal computers and other devices that are growing in size and using more energy.
But energy is still being saved by the introduction of policies encouraging the replacement of older incandescent light bulbs with more efficient lighting such as compact fluorescent lightbulbs and LED lighting.
Scientists in Japan and the US were awarded the Nobel Prize for physics this week for inventing the light emitting diode technology that has enabled the spread of LED lights round the world.
Another big driver of improved energy use is fuel economy standards, which cover 70 per cent of a global market for light-duty passenger vehicles.
The growth of standards is expected to drive $80bn a year of investment in these types of vehicles for at least the next five years, the IEA says, saving between $40bn and $190bn in fuel costs.
This is the second annual report the IEA has written on energy efficiency measures, which are among the less visible efforts at stemming the growth of carbon dioxide emissions scientists blame for climate change.
One finding in the latest report is that the financial market for energy efficiency has reached $120bn a year as products such as corporate green bonds and climate finance initiatives proliferate.
While the overall amount of investment in energy efficiency is now at least $310bn a year, even more needs to be spent to bring down carbon emissions to the point scientists say will avoid potentially dangerous climate change, said report co-author, Philippe Benoit, head of the IEA’s energy efficiency and environment division.
“We estimate that on average we need about $600bn a year of investment over the next 20 years,” he said.(更多全球资讯请浏览中国进出口网)


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