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2014 Milk Powder Sales Increases by 4.2%, Price War More Ferocious

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With the impact of the purchasing agents and the overseas shopping, the infant formula industry is stuck in the intense competition, and as companies continue to try e-commerce, the milk industry price war is intensified, these factors have eroded profits in the milk business. In 2014, Beingmate annual profit fell by 88.88%; Ashley Holdings net profit fell by 43.1%.

Data shows that in 2014 milk powder sales reached 7,000,000 tons, turnover increased by 4.2%, compared with 10-20% turnover in previous years, the growth rate was a bit small. "

Data shows that if we make calculation on ex-factory price, sales of in 2014 baby formula sales was 70 billion yuan, in which 10 billion yuan was through the overseas purchasing agents, sales of the top 20 companies was 50 billion yuan, and the remaining enterprises occupied 100 billion.

Over the past year, the market share of foreign milk powder brands declined for the first time, data released by AC Nielsen shows that, among the top ten brands of sales, the number of domestic brands of milk powder is almost as same as the number of foreign brands.

Nevertheless, China's huge market potential still attracts foreign milk powder brands, in recent years, the milk powder brands in Europe continuously enter into the Chinese market, including some high-end brands, while the milk powder price is constantly refreshed, baby formula at the highest price on the market is Hyproca infant formula, the retail price of each tank reach 458 yuan / 900 grams. To obtain a more long-term development in the Chinese market, foreign milk powder brands take different measures to expand the Chinese market. Wyeth Nutritionals will organize more than 500 activities about "a tribute to breast milk" in more than 20 cities this year, while Hyproca1897 recently announced the launch of a two-year research projects under the cooperation with Peking University.

Another trend change in the baby formula is sino-foreign joint venture driven by policy. Abbott and Fonterra signed an agreement, planning to build a dairy cow breeding base in China through joint venture. Royal Dutch Friesland Ltd., one of the world's top five dairy giants, announced to establish a joint venture with China Huishan Dairy Holdings Limited, and the New Zealand Synlait chose to cooperate with the New Hope Dairy.

"Infant formula price into downlink channel"

Since 2013 the National Development and Reform Commission has launched antitrust investigation on milk powder brands, Wyeth and Beingmate US has announced price cuts, which also opened the prelude to the milk industry price cuts, in 2014 the milk industry price war was intensified, with low-cost Junlebao and e-commerce channels, the baby formula price fell.

"The infant formula price has been into downtlink channel, in 2015 the price war will be more ferocious." Song Liang pointed out that the infant formula price has been into downtlink channel, due to overcapacity and e-commerce channels ( the compression of the circulation), moreover, the Chinese market is in line with international standards, and impacted by overseas shopping and purchasing agents.

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