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Anheuser-Busch InBev, World’s Largest Brewer, Exploring Takeover of Rival SABMille

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核心提示:全球最大啤酒酿造商百威英博(Anheuser-Busch InBev)正考虑收购竞争对手SABMiller。这笔潜在交易将缔造一家2750亿美元的企业,届时全球每三瓶啤酒就有一瓶是该企业生产的。

全球最大啤酒酿造商百威英博(Anheuser-Busch InBev)正考虑收购竞争对手SABMiller。这笔潜在交易将缔造一家2750亿美元的企业,届时全球每三瓶啤酒就有一瓶是该企业生产的。

该交易的一方拥有百威啤酒(Budweiser)和时代啤酒(Stella Artois)品牌,另一方拥有佩罗尼(Peroni)品牌和高仕啤酒(Grolsch)品牌。合并后的企业已有“巨型酿酒商”之称。该交易的规模将进入史上前六大交易之列。而且,在大宗并购交易已经是2007年来最强的今年,其规模将位居榜首。

该交易将标志着全球啤酒酿造业一轮非同寻常的整合进入新阶段,其推动者是以豪尔赫?保罗?莱曼(Jorge Paulo Lemann)为首的一组巴西投资者。这些投资者还创办了巴西私募股权集团3G资本(3G Capital),该集团一直在收购亨氏(Heinz)、卡夫(Kraft)和汉堡王(Burger King)等美国食品企业——其中部分收购是在投资者沃伦?巴菲特(Warren Buffett)的支持下发起的。


考虑到两家企业的规模,在包括美国和中国在内的多个国家,为获得监管机构对并购交易的批准,百威英博将不得不同意出售一些资产。SABMiller通过与Molson Coors建立的合资企业米勒康胜(MillerCoors),占有美国啤酒市场30%的份额。此外,通过与华润创业(China Resources Enterprise)建立的合资公司,SABMiller还占有中国啤酒市场23%的份额。(中国进出口网


Anheuser-Busch InBev, the world’s largest brewer, is exploring a takeover of rival SABMiller in a deal that would create a $275bn company responsible for one out of every three beers produced globally.

A tie-up between the owner of Budweiser and Stella Artois and the group behind Peroni and Grolsch, dubbed “mega-brew”, would rank as one of the six largest takeovers in history and the biggest in a year that was already the strongest for blockbuster deals since 2007.

It would mark the latest stage of a remarkable consolidation in the global brewing industry driven by a group of Brazilian investors led by Jorge Paulo Lemann. They are also the founders of 3G Capital , the Brazilian private equity group which has been buying up US food companies such as Heinz, Kraft and Burger King sometimes with the support of investor Warren Buffett.

A series of deals over the past decade have transformed AB InBev and SABMiller into the world’s two biggest brewers. They, along with Heineken and Carlsberg , make half the world’s beer.

Given the size of the two companies, AB InBev would have to agree to divestitures to obtain regulatory approval for a deal in multiple countries, including the US and China. SABMiller has a near-30 per cent share of the US beer market via MillerCoors, its joint venture with Molson Coors. It also has 23 per cent of China’s beer market through a joint venture with China Resources Enterprise.


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