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President Obama Speaks at the U.S.-Africa Business Forum

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核心提示:美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)在华盛顿特区2014年8月5日美非领导人峰会美非商业论坛发表讲话。

 美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)在华盛顿特区2014年8月5日美非领导人峰会美非商业论坛发表讲话。








President Obama Speaks at the U.S.-Africa Business Forum

Garrett Brinker
August 05, 2014 
07:55 PM EDT

President Barack Obama delivers remarks at the U.S.-Africa Business Forum during the U.S. Africa Leaders Summit in Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)

This afternoon, President Obama spoke to a crowd that included 50 African leaders, at the U.S.-Africa Business Forum in Washington, D.C. The Business Forum is part of the historic three-day U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit, which is the largest event any U.S. President has held with African heads of state and government, and builds on the President's trip to Africa in 2013.

The summit is an opportunity for the President to illustrate his approach to Africa. As he said at today's Business Forum, even as Africa continues to face many challenges — disease, poverty, violence, and hunger — there are many signs that a new Africa is emerging:

Some of the fastest-growing economies in the world. A growing middle class. Expanding sectors like manufacturing and retail. One of the fastest-growing telecommunications markets in the world. More governments are reforming, attracting a record level of foreign investment. It is the youngest and fastest-growing continent, with young people that are full of dreams and ambition.

As Africa experiences continued growth, the President made it clear that America will be a partner in its success — "a good partner, an equal partner, and a partner for the long term."

We don’t look to Africa simply for its natural resources; we recognize Africa for its greatest resource, which is its people and its talents and their potential. We don’t simply want to extract minerals from the ground for our growth; we want to build genuine partnerships that create jobs and opportunity for all our peoples and that unleash the next era of African growth. That’s the kind of partnership America offers.
And we've made a lot of progress, as the President noted: "I’m proud that American exports to Africa have grown to record levels, supporting jobs in Africa and the United States, including a quarter of a million good American jobs."


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