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US and EU sanctions against Moscow are in danger of turning round and biting the west by constraining global oil supply and pushing up prices

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核心提示:BP前首席执行官对俄制裁危及西方石油供应英国石油(BP)前首席执行官唐熙华(Tony Hayward)警告称,美国和欧盟(EU)对莫斯科的制裁可

英国石油(BP)前首席执行官唐熙华(Tony Hayward)警告称,美国和欧盟(EU)对莫斯科的制裁可能抑制全球石油供应并推高价格,反过来伤害到西方。
目前执掌石油勘探公司Genel Energy、并担任大宗商品交易商嘉能可(Glencore)董事长的唐熙华,还对伊拉克石油产量大幅增长的预测提出质疑。他说,伊拉克将很难实现到2020年产量翻倍的目标。
制裁可能危及俄罗斯国有控股的俄罗斯石油公司(Rosneft)和埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)等西方石油巨头为勘探俄罗斯北极海域而成立的合资公司。巴克莱(Barclays)分析师迈克尔•科恩(Michael Cohen)表示,制裁也可能让欧洲石油集团和服务公司更难为它们当前在俄罗斯的运营提供支持。


US and EU sanctions against Moscow are in danger of turning round and biting the west by constraining global oil supply and pushing up prices, the former chief executive of BP haswarned.
Tony Hayward said that cutting Russia’s energy groups off from capital markets and restrictingtheir access to western oil technology would eventually lead to less investment in Russian oilproduction and damage long-term supply. He said the US shale boom had obscured thegrowing risks to the world’s supply but its effect would wear off, leaving the global economydangerously exposed to potential disruptions in the flow of oil.

He spoke as the US and Europe expanded sanctions against Russia on Friday, with the USadding Gazprom, Europe’s leading energy provider, and Lukoil, the privately owned oil group, tothe companies deprived of US goods, technology and services for deep water, Arctic offshoreand shale projects. The EU and US have also imposed restrictions on financing for somestate-owned Russian energy groups.
“The world has been lulled into a false sense of security because of what’s going on in the US,”Mr Hayward said in an interview with the Financial Times, referring to the shale boom that hasdriven a 60 per cent rise in US crude output since 2008. But he asked: “When US supplypeaks, wher will the new supply come from?”
As output from mature basins declines, the world has banked on new barrels from places suchas Canada, Iraq and Russia. But Russian production from untapped resources in the Arctic andshale reserves in Siberia are threatened by sanctions, he said. “Because of financial sanctions,the big gorillas are going to start cutting their activities.”
Mr Hayward, who runs oil explorer Genel Energy and is chairman of commodities groupGlencore, also questioned projections for a big increase in oil production from Iraq. He said thecountry would struggle to reach targets to double production by 2020.
Sanctions could endanger joint ventures that Rosneft, the state-controlled Russian oilgroup, has set up with western majors such as ExxonMobil to explore in Russia’s Arctic seas.Michael Cohen, an analyst at Barclays, said they could also make it harder for European oilgroups and service companies to provide support for their current operations in Russia.


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