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27 Emerging Business Models Popular in US

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6. Handybook


公司创始人:Umang Dua,Oisin Hanrahan,Ignacio Leonhardt,以及Weina


我们生活在一个定制化的时代,如果我们想要东西,就恨不得马上得到。Handybook在此时出现了,他们在全美26个城市提供服务,最近募集到了3000 万美元资金,帮助提升团队,特别是公司的移动工程开发团队。Hanrahan表示,“我们成立Handybook,就是想帮助你解决家务服务的难题,而且我们可以提供远程服务,管理这些服务。”每周Handybook的预定数量都超过1万,据该公司透露他们的增长率保持在20%。


7. Popsugar


公司创始人:Brian Sugar, Lisa Sugar, Andy Moss, Jason Rhee, Arthur Cinader, Krista Moatz


Popsugar 的服务内容涵盖的都是人们感兴趣的,娱乐,名人,时装,美容,健身,食品,以及育儿等等,而且以多种形式提供服务,包括线上,App应用,电视等等。Popsugar现在已经成为了一个全球生活方式品牌,网站每月有4100万独立访问量,以及2.34亿页面访问量。




公司创始人:Gautam Gupta和Kenneth Chen


Naturebox 已经获得了6400万美元融资,提供健康的零食,到目前为止,他们已经在控制食品科学和不健康添加剂方面有所建树。而且,Naturebox已经开发出了 120多种小吃,可以装载100万个集装箱。他们一半的订购用户集中在美国中西部地区,在那里有丰富的有机市场,而且Whole Foods超市也不多,竞争并不激烈。“我们解决了一个难题,把更好的零食直接送到了人们家门口,”NatureBox的Amanda Natividad说道,“我们让那些爱吃零食的人感到无比幸福”。2013年该公司出现了20倍的增长,公司网站博客流量也在稳定的增长,这表明,越来越多的人开始对健康饮食感兴趣。




公司创始人:Erica Bell和Katie Finnegan


Hukkster 可以为消费者提供最大限度的折扣信息。这家初创公司开发的Hukk It Chrome插件为消费者提供了一键体验,轻松跟踪你想购买的商品优惠打折码(实时),这些商品包括了服装,配件,以及家用器皿。Hukkster直接和品牌合作,帮助驱动流量和效率;而消费者则可以通过优惠码获得自己感兴趣的商品。Bell说道,“Hukkster非常兴奋,因为目前我们正在和许多品牌商进行直接洽谈。”




公司创始人:Shan-Lyn Ma,Nobu Nakaguchi,以及Kevin Ryan


该公司创始人Kevin Ryan是一个创业老兵,之前在纽约创始过Gilt公司和其他初创公司,他觉得婚礼注册非常过时,而且缺乏想象力,Zola是一个包含图片,婚礼建议等内容的网站,里面还包含了未婚服务意愿礼品清单,希望情侣通过这个网站讲述专属于自己的婚礼故事。


6. Handybook

Founded: 2012

Company founder: Umang Dua, Oisin Hanrahan, Ignacio Leonhardt, and Weina

Innovation Perspective: customized household services, such as cleaning the house, repairing appliances, all services are available through the Mobile App.

We live in an era of customization, if we want something, we can not wait to get it. Handybook provides services in 26 cities of US, and recently raised a $ 30 million funding to help improve the team, especially the company's mobile engineering team. Hanrahan said, "Handybook just wants to help you solve the problem of domestic services, provides remote services and manages these services." At Handybook, weekly predetermined number are more than 10,000, and its growth rate remains 20%.

Experience: convenience is the key.

7. Popsugar

Founded: 2006

Company founder: Brian Sugar, Lisa Sugar, Andy Moss, Jason Rhee, Arthur Cinader, Krista Moatz

Innovation Perspective: diverse symbiotic revenue streams, providing services for Popsugar female users.

Popsugar services cover entertainment, celebrity, fashion, beauty, fitness, food, and child care, etc., and there are various forms of service, including online, App application, television and so on. Now Popsugar becomes a global lifestyle brand, with 41 million unique visitors and 234 million page views per month.

Experience: content-driven business, people like one-stop service.


Founded: 2012

Company founder: Gautam Gupta and Kenneth Chen

Innovation Perspective: a new subscription service, monthly subscription healthy snacks.

Naturebox has got $64 million financing, it provides healthy snacks, so far, they have made achievements in the control of food science and unhealthy additives. Moreover, Naturebox has developed more than 120 kinds of snacks, you can load one million containers. Half of their subscribers are concentrated in the Midwest of US, wher there are abundant organic markets and fewer Whole Foods supermarkets, the competition is not fierce. "We have solved a problem, to deliver the better snacks directly to people's door," Amanda Natividad from NatureBox said, "We let those who love snacks feel happy." In 2013 the company grows twentyfold, the company website blog traffic was also steadily growing, which indicated that more and more people began to be interested in a healthy diet.

Experience: let your own products different from competitors’, help businesses gain a competitive power.


Founded: 2011

Company founder: Erica Bell and Katie Finnegan

Innovation Perspective: track merchandise through inventory, make your shopping experience happier by an application interface similar to Tinder.

Hukkster can provide maximum discounts for consumers. This start-up company develops Hukk It Chrome, providing consumers with one-click experience, thus consumers can easily track discount code (in real time), these goods includes clothing, accessories and housewares. Hukkster cooperates with brand owners directly, helping drive traffic and efficiency; while consumers can get merchandise they are interested in via coupon code. Bell said, "Hukkster very excited because we are currently in negotiations with many brands owners directly."

Experience: Shoppers like to save money, we can help them achieve this goal, thus achieving win-win. 


Founded: 2013

Company founder: Shan-Lyn Ma, Nobu Nakaguchi, and Kevin Ryan

Innovation Perspective: an online site from which you can buy a wedding gift, a very personalized wedding registration

The founder Kevin Ryan is a entrepreneur veteran, before in New York he founded Gilt and other start-up companies, he felt the wedding registration very outdated and lack of imagination, Zola is a website containing pictures, wedding proposal and other content, also including a unmarried gift list, the couple can tell their own wedding story through this website.

The unmarried couples can create their own personalized website through Zola, they can add photos on this site, and they can also make a list about wedding gifts they hope to receive, such as kitchen utensils, food, furniture and so on. Ma said, the top best-selling items on this site are Lodge skillet, waffles, and noodle dish. Zola's aimed at a O2O shopping platform with more product ranges.

Experience: a nice program, providing personalized services, helping enterprises to run longer, and reshaping the traditional forms of the wedding.

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