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China's Weak Demand Makes Copper Prices Lower

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核心提示:周一,铜价跌至每吨6000美元以下,终止了5月份的涨势。原因在于,作为全球最大的铜消费国,中国的需求持续疲软。 周一,伦敦金属交易所(LME)3个月交货的铜价触及每吨5985美元。铜价较5月初已下跌了逾400美元。


“下游需求仍很有限,我们认为,在基本面和信心层面尚未看到足够或重大的恢复,”中国银行(BoC)子公司中银国际(BOC International)的分析师付晓表示。
“就2015年年中的市场心理而言,中国需求状况的演变仍是一个至关重要的因素,5月份没有任何微观或宏观因素表明中国需求态势发生好转,”渣打(Standard Chartered)在一份报告中写道。(中国进出口网


Copper fell below $6,000 on Monday, bringing a halt to a rally in May, on continued weak demand in China, the biggest consumer of the metal.

Prices for three-month delivery on the London metal Exchange touched $5,985 on Monday. The metal has fallen more than $400 from its price at the beginning of May.

There are few signs of strong orders for copper in China by cable makers and for power grid investment, despite the arrival of the traditional peak buying season.

“The downstream demand is still fairly limited, we don’t see sufficient or meaningful recovery in terms of fundamentals and sentiment has started to turn,” said Xiao Fu, an analyst at BOC International, a unit of Bank of China.
Analysts expect China’s copper demand to grow by 4 per cent this year, yet that figure is predicated on considerable use in power grid investment, based on announced government spending plans.
Power grid investment fell by 8.65 per cent in April, according to SMM, a China-based metals consultancy. In the first four months, China completed Rmb86.6bn of grid investment, 20 per cent of the planned amount for the year, it said. Last year, only 88.7 per cent of grid investment was completed.
A fall in copper stocks in warehouses tracked by the Shanghai Futures Exchange in April and May, which was taken as a sign of better demand, may also not have gone to end users, according to analysts.
“The evolution of China’s demand conditions remains the crucial issue for sentiment towards the complex in mid-2015, and neither the micro nor macro evidence for May suggests an improvement in this dynamic,” Standard Chartered wrote in a note.

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