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Depreciation of renminbi Has Potential to Break Record

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“美元本身已经走高,因此此举在一定程度上反映了这一点,尽管正常情况下中国央行喜欢注入一定程度的双向风险,”巴克莱(Barclays)亚洲外汇和利率策略主管米图尔科特查(Mitul Kotecha)表示。“像这样引导中间价逐日走低似乎表明,对投机者的厌恶已被暂时搁置。”





“资本外流看起来强劲得令人不安,但中国央行似乎意识到,(动用储备)以继续迎合不是上策,”苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)驻新加坡高级市场策略师曼苏尔莫希-乌丁(Mansoor Mohi-uddin)表示。


If the People’s Bank of China sets a softer dollar rate for the renminbi on Monday it will mark a record run of weakening and be a further sign that Beijing is increasingly measuring its currency’s performance not against the US but a broader range of its peers.

China’s central bank has “fixed” the renminbi at a lower rate against the dollar for each of the past 10 trading days, weakening its currency at a faster pace over that period than at any time since it first allowed it to appreciate in 2005. Over the past fortnight the renminbi has lost 1.5 per cent against the US currency.

Analysts said that although the straight-line direction was unusual for Beijing, it reflected a well-telegraphed desire by the People’s Bank of China to show it was not overly focused on the dollar.

“The dollar itself has been strengthening so this move reflects that to some extent, although normally the PBOC likes to instil a degree of two-way risk,” said Mitul Kotecha, head of Asia currency and rates strategy at Barclays. “Having a steadily weaker fix like this suggests that aversion to speculators has been put on the back burner for now.”

Earlier this month, Beijing surprised markets when it announced that it would measure the renminbi against a basket of currencies. Although the basket is more of a guide than a technical standard, the move was seen as further confirmation the PBOC wanted to draw attention away from the dollar rate.

The renminbi’s close dollar ties mean it is in fact one of the world’s strongest performers against the surging US currency this year, having lost just 4.5 per cent to date at Rmb6.4811. Among China’s trading partners, the euro has lost 10 per cent against the dollar, the Australian dollar 12 per cent and the Korean won, 7 per cent.

Investors and analysts expect the renminbi to slip further still. The gap between the currency’s dollar rate offshore and the more restricted onshore market has widened recently which implies international markets are pricing in more weakening.

But the softness means Beijing must tread carefully between allowing the weakness that would help its exporters and the risk that capital flight intensifies.

“Capital outflows look uncomfortably strong but the PBoC seems to realise it’s not the best policy to keep fully accommodating that [by drawing down its reserves],” said Mansoor Mohi-uddin, senior market strategist at RBS in Singapore.

The PBoC’s $3.5tn reserves fell by a record $94bn in August as it sought to stem the impact of a surge in outflows following its bungled devaluation. Although reserves had stabilised by October, they fell another $87bn last month, implying capital was once again leaving the country.


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