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Cross-border RMB Index On the Rise During the First Half of 2014

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Aug. 15, 2014
On 14th, Bank of China released a report that Cross-border RMB Index (CRI) was on the rise during the first half of 2014. On the basis of the steady improvement of cross-border goods trade settlement, cross-border services trade and cross-border direct investment gradually rise, which leads to a more solid status of cross-border RMB application.
RMB cross-border activity increased obviously, which narrows the gap between RMB and major international currencies. The report noted that in June the activity index of activity index Dollar, Euro, Pound sterling use was respectively up 2.41%, down 0.52% and down 1.86% compared with that of the end of December 2013. While at the same time, RMB cross-border activity index increased 7.89%. (News from ccstock.cn and translated by www.chinainout.com)
The report showed that in June CRI were 246 points and ramain unchanged compared with that of the previous period. RMB keeps flowing out Maintain within the cross-border flotation cycle, but the pace of net capital outflow has slowed. RMB offshore flow levels increase; the use of RMB outside China is expanding rapidly and grows rapidly in the European markets. RMB cross-border use under the circumstance of direct investment projects becames more active.


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