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With the rapid growth of imports, China's food market has injected new vitality into the world economy

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核心提示:进口高速增长, 中国食品市场为世界经济注入新活力 With the rapid growth of imports, China's food market has injected new vitality into the world economy
进口高速增长, 中国食品市场为世界经济注入新活力
With the rapid growth of imports, China's food market has injected new vitality into the world economy

According to iresearch's white paper on food consumption in China (2019) 
from 2009 to 2018, China's food imports grew at a compound rate of 17.7%. From 1997 to 2017, the number of countries and regions from which China imports food rose from 108 to 170, covering more than 70 percent of the world.

im<em></em>port food

China's huge food market has injected new vitality into world economic development.Thanks to economic and population growth, advances in transport and information technology, and improved market access, world trade in agricultural products tripled from $570 billion in 2000 to $1.6 trillion in 2016, said zhang zhongjun, assistant representative of the FAO in China."It is worth noting that emerging economies have played an increasing role in global agricultural markets since 2000."


China's agricultural and economic cooperation with other countries is deeply integrated. Thanks to cross-border e-commerce, the silk road in the sky, the freight train between China and Europe and other routes, high-quality agricultural products from many countries have found their way into Chinese households.China's fruits, vegetables, aquatic products and more and more distinctive advantages of agricultural products across the ocean have gone further and further.


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