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Hello Kitty不是猫

Hello Kitty Is Not A Cat Because Nothing Makes Sense Anymore

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核心提示:Hello Kitty这个可爱的卡通形象已深入人心,但有多少人知道其实Hello Kitty不是猫。
Hello Kitty不是猫
日本三丽鸥公司透漏,“Hello Kitty这个从点缀午餐盒和烤面包机到T恤和内衣的形象,一向被以为是只可爱的猫,但事实上却不是如此,听清楚了Hello Kitty并不是一只猫”。
“粉红全球化:Hello Kitty徒步穿越太平洋的作者克里斯汀·r·矢野对《洛杉矶时报》说所谓的凯蒂猫其实是一个人类的女孩(英国)。
稍微动下脑筋你就会知道,Hello Kitty其实是凯蒂·怀特——一位天蝎座喜欢苹果派的女孩,乔治和玛丽·怀特的女儿。

Hello Kitty Is Not A Cat Because Nothing Makes Sense Anymore
Sanrio has revealed Hello Kitty -- the supposedly adorable feline character that adorns everything from lunch boxes and toasters to t-shirts and lingerie -- is, in fact, not a cat. We repeat NOT A CAT.

Just what is Hello Kitty, you're asking?

Hello Kitty is a human girl (and a British one at that), Christine R. Yano, the author of "Pink Globalization: Hello Kitty's Trek Across the Pacific," told The Los Angeles Times.

"Hello Kitty is not a cat. She's a cartoon character. She is a little girl. She is a friend. But she is not a cat. She's never depicted on all fours. She walks and sits like a two-legged creature," Yano explained to the Times.

And if you are ready for your mind to be just a little more blown, the character we all know as Hello Kitty is actually Kitty White -- a Scorpio who loves apple pie, and is the daughter of George and Mary White.

"She has a twin sister. She's a perpetual third-grader. She lives outside of London. I could go on. A lot of people don't know the story and a lot don't care," Yano told the paper.


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