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冰雪仙境美如画 冬日奔赴十大小镇度假(二)

Have Holidays on Top Ten Winter Wonderlands of Ice and Snow

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6. 挪威雷讷

冰雪仙境美如画 冬日奔赴十大小镇度假


7. 瑞士采尔马特

冰雪仙境美如画 冬日奔赴十大小镇度假


8. 美国科罗拉多州布雷肯里奇

冰雪仙境美如画 冬日奔赴十大小镇度假


9. 格陵兰岛Ittoqqortoormiit

冰雪仙境美如画 冬日奔赴十大小镇度假


10. 瑞士朗维斯

冰雪仙境美如画 冬日奔赴十大小镇度假



6. Reine Norway
Reine is located in a classic fishing village of the Arctic Moskenesøya. The port village has a population of just 329 people, this quiet and beautiful place is also voted the "most beautiful village in Norway."
7. Zermatt Switzerland
Zermatt sits in the picturesque Matt valley. Up the Mountains, it’s stunning Alpine scenery; down the Mountains, it’s a charming town scene. Here, you would be able to enjoy the comfortable life.
8. Breckenridge Colorado US
Breckenridge is a quiet small town in the Rocky Mountains. This ski town has colorful little houses, very cute.
9. Ittoqqortoormiit Greenland
To arrive at this town situated next to the world's longest glacier system, you have to take a flight class (only once a week) from the capital of Iceland to Greenland, then transfer to a helicopter, finally reach this small but colorful town. once you arrive here, you will find all deserve!
10.Langwies Switzerland
The town, with only a few hundred residents, is located on the edge of the huge Langwies valley. Passengers can take the train through the valley and shuttle through the snow-covered trees.

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