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Davos Forum: Optimistic About Future of Digital Economy

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核心提示:北京时间1月23日,题为“数字经济的未来”的达沃斯论坛顺利举行。Facebook 首席运营官谢丽尔•桑德博格(Sheryl Sandberg), 谷歌 (微博) 董事长埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt), 微软 CEO萨提亚·纳德拉(Satya Nadella),沃达丰首席执行官维托里奥·科劳(Vittorio Colao)等嘉宾参与并发言。论坛由世界经济论坛主席克劳斯·施瓦布(Klaus Schwab)主持。

北京时间1月23日,题为“数字经济的未来”的达沃斯论坛顺利举行。Facebook 首席运营官谢丽尔•桑德博格(Sheryl Sandberg), 谷歌 (微博) 董事长埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt), 微软 CEO萨提亚·纳德拉(Satya Nadella),沃达丰首席执行官维托里奥·科劳(Vittorio Colao)等嘉宾参与并发言。论坛由世界经济论坛主席克劳斯·施瓦布(Klaus Schwab)主持。





微软CEO萨提亚·纳德拉(Satya Nadella)认为,科技在为人所用之后能做成很多美好的事情。如何平衡科技在个人、社会、政府之间的角色是关键问题。而问题的答案就在于达成全球共识。这需要确保政府和个体之间利益分配公平。人们需要接受政府使用隐私数据来保护安全,同时政府也需清楚底线,尊重个人。互联网是世界共同的财富。


On January 23, entitled "Digital Economy Future", Davos Forum was successfully held in Davos. Facebook chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg, Google chairman Eric Schmidt, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, Vodafone chief executive officer Vittorio Colao and other guests participated and and made a speech. The Forum was hosted by the World Economic Forum chairmen Klaus Schwab.

Twenty years ago, the Berlin Wall fell, the World Wide Web was born, and globalization started. Today, although the geopolitical challenges continue, but in the digital age, production and economics become more efficient. Attendees agreed that the digital economy development in the future would be optimistic.

Facebook chief operating officer Cheryl Sundberg said that at present only 40% of people worldwide are connected, we needed to expand this quantity, so that more people would be connected and make their voices heard. This would undoubtedly increase the economic opportunities. And now the inequality of the world changes, technology enables more women to be educated.

Vodafone chief executive officer Vittorio Colao believed that it was just the beginning of globalization. People would release the productivity through all connections, and the world would be more equal. But he also warned that the good the bad guys are using the Internet. It is imminent to avoid the side effects of the Internet. He pointed out that people had to release completely transparent reporting in a transparent way, telling the customer what we are doing, what we are authorized to do.

Google chairman Eric Schmidt said, "All problems can be solved by broadband." He believes that machine intelligence let us smarter, has a positive impact on everyone, such as helping people treat diseases, improving energy efficiency, "smart phones are smarter than our previous supercomputer."

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella believed that science and technology can make a lot of good things. It matters how to balance the role of science and technology among the individual, society and government. The answer to this question lies in the global consensus. It’s necessary to ensure interest fair distribution between the government and individual. People need to accept the government uses to protect the privacy of data security, while the government also needs to know the bottom line and respect the individual. The Internet is the common wealth of the world.

The World Economic Forum (Winter Davos Forum) will be held in Davos, Switzerland, on January 21 -24, 2015, and the theme of this year is the new global situation.

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