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China Calls on East Asia to Establish Closer Economic Relations

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Chinese Premier Li Keqiangon Sunday called on East Asian nations to forge closer economic ties and promote political trust to ensure stable growth in the region amid global economic slowdown.

Speaking at the 10th East Asia Summit (EAS), Li said the economically integrating region should treasure the hard-earned desirable situation to further contribute to world peace, stability and growth.
He suggested that the participants stick to the EAS' nature of a "leaders-led strategic forum," to ASEAN's central role, to advancing on the two wheels of economic development and political security, and to promoting coordinated development of different mechanisms.


In a three-pronged proposal for future East Asian summitry, Li first called for faster regional economic integration so as to make East Asia a stable growth pole for the world economy.

The ASEAN Community, the first sub-regional community in Asia, is expected to take shape by the end of this year. Beijing has described the development as "a milestone in regional integration."
China, Li said, is willing to enhance the dovetailing of its development strategy with those of ASEAN in order to realize the vision of forging an East Asian economic community by 2020.
He also called on financial institutions in the region to form an association to facilitate cooperation.
Meanwhile, the Chinese premier called for active political and security dialogue and the establishment of a security architecture suitable for the region.
"All parties should strengthen communication and coordination on their respective development strategies and policies so as to promote political trust," Li said.
Also, the premier proposed that nations in the region enhance dialogue and exchanges to promote harmonious coexistence of different civilizations.
Countries in the region should deepen communication and cooperation in areas of education, science and technology, culture, media, think tanks and youth, he said.
As regards the South China Sea disputes, Li put forth a five-point proposal to uphold and promote peace and stability in the busy body of water, and called on countries outside the region to refrain from taking actions that may cause tension.
Other leaders at the summit agreed that the EAS should play a bigger role in deepening political trust and economic relations throughout the region.
They also reached consensus on peacefully addressing differences through negotiation and constructive means and in line with international law.
They expressed their belief that related countries share the will to earnestly implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea and advance the negotiation on a code of conduct.

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