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customs and taboos in Europe and the United States (b)

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To point yourself to point your nose

If you say, "I am ......", meanwhile point yourself, you’d better point the nose, and this is a habit as same as Chinese people’s.

When waving, put palm toward yourself

To greet a person far away from you, do not shout, just beckon, and Asians have the habit of swinging palms waving to people, which is impolite for part of the United States and Europe. In the United States or Europe, if you put Asians’ usual waving gesture, it would be mistaken for “Goodbye”.If the gesture change a little bit, it meant ridicule.

Many gestures of Asians are different from Europeans’, so it is easy to cause misunderstanding. When waving, you should put palm upward and toward yourself and then gently bend the index and middle finger change, do not do a lot of times, as long as let the other see. Different states often have different actions which have different meanings, so pay attention to your action when abroad.

No toothpick

There is always no toothpick at tables in Europe. Even if there is, you can not use it at tables. If you have the habit of using a toothpick, then it is best to go to the toilet to use, otherwise it is rude to use a toothpick in front of the guests.

However, the toothpick have its own usage. A Chinese person once went to dinner. after meals, he would like to use a toothpick, but not liked to use it in front of the front of the crowd, so he got into the bathroom, and get out of pocket toothpicks. while one of his foreign friends was there seeing his toothpick, the foreign friend said, "You have this good stuff!" Then the foreign friend robbed his toothpick. Therefore, it is wrong that foreigners do not like toothpicks, they’re just in courtesy and avoid using them at tables!

courtesy when you dirty a table

Table manners’ highest principle is "act as a prince." So, do not do it yourself, even napkins flow on the floor, let the waiter pick up, and try not to let the other guests know. Whether the owner or other guests, in which case, it should turn a blind eye.

However, when you go to a average family dinner, there is no waiter, it is necessary to clean up by yourself. If you knock over the table drinks, you should put a napkin. You’d better finish it before the hostess stands up.

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