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全球亿万富豪2325人 中国190人居第二

China Ranks Second for Its 190 Billionaires While There Are 2325 Billionaires Worldwide

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根据财富研究机构Wealth-X和瑞士联合银行(UBS)17日发布的“亿万富翁普查”(Wealth-X and UBS Billionaire Census)结果显示,亿万富豪的平均形象应该是男性(男性在“亿万俱乐部”中占88%),63岁,有两个孩子,身家达到31亿美元。他们中超过半数(54%)靠自己打拼致富,其余的要么是继承财产、要么是继承和自身努力结合。



瑞士联合银行高净值客户财富管理首席投资官西蒙·斯迈尔斯(Simon Smiles)指出,富人们押注的一个趋势是像中国这样快速发展的经济体中潜在消费力的增加。他们的这类投资通常通过私募股权或直接投资,而不是公开的市场。(中国进出口网编译)
The world economy is in downturn, however, the number of billionaires worldwide has reached its highest record levels. A new survey released on the 17th, new billionaires worldwide in 2014 reaches 155, the total number rose to a record of 2325, up 7% over 2013.

According to Wealth-X and UBS Billionaire Census released by Wealth-X and unio Bank of Switzerland (UBS) on 17th, men account for 88% in "millionaire club", on average, 63 years old, with two children, net worth of $3.1 billion. More than half (54%) of them relied on their own hard work to get rich, and the rest get rich either by inherit property or by combination of inheritance and their own efforts.

Billionaire refers to those whose net assets exceed $1 billion. Report shows that the financial sector, banking, investment and real estate is the most concentrated areas of tycoons.

With 571 billionaires, the United States is still at the top of the world's most billionaires countries until June 2014; China and the United Kingdom rank second and third, respectively, 190 and 130. Over the past year, the number of billionaires in India decreases 3% and India with 100 millionaires ranks sixth.

Simon Smiles, chief investment officer of wealth manage for high-net clients of UBS noted a trend rich people bet is the increase of potential spending power in the economy of the country like China. Such investments are usually through their private equity or direct investment, rather than the open market.
关键词: 亿万富翁

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