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Sugar Imports in the First Half of 2014 in China Continues to Expand

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Sugar imports in the First Half of 2014 in China Continues to Expand 

Sugar is a daily necessity, but also indispensable raw materials of drinks, candy, cakes and other sugary food and pharmaceutical industries. The main raw material of sugar is cane and beet.

January to June this year, China imported 1.392 million tons of sugar, with growth 9.8% over the same period last year, the average import price is $450.5 per ton, down 8.8%, sugar imports shows a dro in price rise in amount. Specifically, the characteristics of sugar imports in the first half are as follows:

(1) highly concentrated source of imports, which plunged in Guatemala, surged in India
(2) sugar imports concentrated in Bohai Rim region, especially in Guangdong and Jiangxi

The factors that affect sugar import patterns and the trend of our country in the second half of this year include the following three major points:

(1) global sugar imbalance between supply and demand, China strongly demands for sugar
(2) the distribution of the sugar industry chain: raw materials concentrated, market fragmentation
(3) China's sugar import quota policy: tariffs has limited effects on sugar import barriers, quota allocation is hard to meet market needs

In order to stabilize domestic sugar prices and protect the interests of sugar farmers, this year China launches the temporary storage of 3,000,000 tons and reduces solute high pressure on the stock, while this can cause burdens to sugar manufacturers objectively, government regulation is not synchronized with the operation of the market and the policy effect will be impacted. Therefore, to solve the differences of sugar price between at home and abroad, we should focus on improving efficiency, reducing production costs, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the sugar industry, in case that the joint of sugar prices in the domestic and foreign is enhanced.

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