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Sony pulls out of eReader market permanently

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QQ图片20140806154336 索尼已经确认它将永久地退出电纸书硬件市场。





在这次声明中,索尼说: “尽管我们公司很遗憾的与读者商店(Reader Store)说再见了,但同时我们也要与我们的顾客分享一个全新的,令人兴奋的未来,即读者商店会把它原有的顾客转向Kobo—一个让人羡慕的电纸书销售商,拥有着充满热情的阅读社区。”

Sony PRS-T3 eBook Reader将会是索尼公司在电纸书领域推出的最后的和最终的产品。这一产品将会持续销售,直到库存清空。

亚马逊的电纸书产品Amazon Kindle Paperwhite在电纸书市场领域占有绝对的统治地位,尽管索尼以及像Nook(美国巴诺书店推出的电纸书品牌)和Kobo本身已经做得相当棒了。

实际上,索尼在电纸书市场领域要比亚马逊呆的时间要长一些。索尼在2004年就发布了它的第一步产品--- the Sony Librie,而直到2007年,亚马逊的kindle电纸书才横空出世。

索尼读者商店(Reader Store)正在垂死挣扎,因为它的书的种类很少,因此它在电纸书领域呢也是垂死挣扎。它并不能和能提供众多图书阅览和提供更便宜的电纸书硬件的亚马逊相竞争。(欲了解更多资讯,请关注中国进出口网:www.Chinainout.com)


Sony has confirmed that it is pulling out of the eReader hardware market permanently. 

Basically waving the white flag of surrender in the eReader battle to Amazon’s Kindle range, Sony has announced it withdrawing from the market. 

Apparently, the company has decided to abandon its eReader product line because it is “no longer economically viable” for Sony. 

“We do not have plans to develop a successor Reader model at this time,” said Sony in a statement to the 

Earlier this year, Sony closed down its own eBook store, directing existing users to its rival Kobo. 

“Although we’re sorry to say goodbye to the Reader Store, we’re also glad to share with you the new, exciting future for our reads: Reader Store will transfer customers to Kobo – an admired eBook seller with a passionate reading community,” said Sony in a statement at the time. 

Sony PRS-T3 eBook Reader was the last and final iteration of Sony’s eBook reader range and will continue to be sold until stocks have been depleted. 

Amazon’s eReaders like the 
Amazon Kindle Paperwhite pretty much have market dominance in the eBook reader space, despite Sony and rivals like Nook and Kobo itself doing their best. 

Sony has actually been in the eReader market for a lot longer than Amazon, launching the first eReader back in 2004 – the Sony Librie. The first Amazon Kindle eReader wasn’t introduced until 2007. 

The Sony Reader Store struggled due to limited book range and thus its eReader range started to struggle. It just couldn’t compete with the vast libraries offered by Amazon and the cheaper entry point for rival eBook reader hardware. 


Sony has confirmed that it is pulling out of the eReader hardware market permanently. 

Basically waving the white flag of surrender in the eReader battle to Amazon’s Kindle range, Sony has announced it withdrawing from the market. 

Apparently, the company has decided to abandon its eReader product line because it is “no longer economically viable” for Sony. 

“We do not have plans to develop a successor Reader model at this time,” said Sony in a statement to the 

Earlier this year, Sony closed down its own eBook store, directing existing users to its rival Kobo. 

“Although we’re sorry to say goodbye to the Reader Store, we’re also glad to share with you the new, exciting future for our reads: Reader Store will transfer customers to Kobo – an admired eBook seller with a passionate reading community,” said Sony in a statement at the time. 

Sony PRS-T3 eBook Reader was the last and final iteration of Sony’s eBook reader range and will continue to be sold until stocks have been depleted. 

Amazon’s eReaders like the 
Amazon Kindle Paperwhite pretty much have market dominance in the eBook reader space, despite Sony and rivals like Nook and Kobo itself doing their best. 

Sony has actually been in the eReader market for a lot longer than Amazon, launching the first eReader back in 2004 – the Sony Librie. The first Amazon Kindle eReader wasn’t introduced until 2007. 

The Sony Reader Store struggled due to limited book range and thus its eReader range started to struggle. It just couldn’t compete with the vast libraries offered by Amazon and the cheaper entry point for rival eBook reader hardware. 


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