这篇测评将会很短,有一个原因,并且这个原因只是:没有什么太多的要说的。Playstation Now 正在运营,并且运营的很好,但是知道它的定价模式改变得更像奈飞公司(Netflix)。我不能想像索尼如果以这种模式运营的话,会取得巨大的成功。注意,并不是因为它不值这个价。
在Sony面前有一个任务:像世界证明出租一个游戏的数字版值你花费的价钱。直到他们能这么做时,人们已经得到PS Now,期待每个月支付的价格和Netflix一样多。
请忽略掉和这款商业机型的无关紧要的部分,Playstation Now 现在正在运行,并且它运行的非常好。
This review is going to be short for one re
ason, and one reason only: there’s not much to say. PlayStation Now works,
and it works great, but until its pricing model is changed to be more like Netflix, I can’t imagine
Sony having a massive amount of success with it. Not because it’s not worth the price, mind you.
Sony has a task ahead of itself: proving to the world that renting a digital copy of a game is worth the price you pay.
Until they can do that, people will come in to PS Now expecting to pay the same amount of cash per month that
they do for Netflix.That’s how successful Netflix is - they’ve blasted their success at our faces so pervasively
that we’ve got headlines like this: EA Access is Netflix for games on Xbox One. You could say the same about
Spotify for music - they own the branding of this model.Past the fiddling with the business model,
PlayStation Now works. It works extremely well.