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梦工厂CEO :用超预期的表现去赢得胜利

DreamWorks Animation CEO:exceed the expectations you will win

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核心提示:梦工厂动画公司(DreamWorks Animation)CEO杰弗里卡森伯格回忆起1994年夏天的事,他感慨那一切仿佛就发生在昨天。卡森伯格时任
梦工厂动画公司(DreamWorks Animation)CEO杰弗里卡森伯格回忆起1994年夏天的事,他感慨那一切仿佛就发生在昨天。
卡森伯格时任华特o迪士尼制片厂(The Walt Disney Studios)总裁,肩负着复兴迪士尼动画电影业务的重任。他也幸不辱命。1994年,迪士尼重回顶峰:《狮子王》(The Lion King)成为票房排行第一的电影,电影原声带也极为畅销,共售出2,500万张专辑,世嘉公司(Sega)根据电影开发的视频游戏也风靡一时。此外,当年收视率最高的电视剧——由蒂姆艾伦主演的时长半小时的家庭情景喜剧《家居装饰》(Home Improvement)——也属于迪士尼。然而,这些成功依旧无法阻止前任CEO迈克尔艾斯纳因为两人之间无法调和的矛盾而将其解雇。
这一事件带来的教训就是,“要把事情做好——但不要做得太好,”63岁的卡森伯格自嘲道。最近,这位好莱坞高管出席了由在线文件分享初创公司Box主办的会议,并登台接受了采访。卡森伯格现任梦工场动画公司CEO,2004年,他与媒体巨头史蒂夫斯皮尔伯格、大卫格芬在加州格兰代尔合作创建了这家公司。虽然梦工厂的电影并非部部卖座,比如今年3月的《天才眼镜狗》(Mr. Peabody & Sherman)便遭遇了票房滑铁卢,令梦工厂在第一季度损失了5,700万美元,但其制作的热卖大片也不在少数,比如《怪物史莱克2》(Shrek 2)和《怪物史莱克3》(Shrek 3)。最新电影《驯龙记2》(How to Train Your Dragon 2)的票房更是在最近突破了6亿美元。
DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg recalls the summer of 1994 like it was yesterday.

Katzenberg was chairman of The Walt Disney Studios , a role that included reviving its animated film business. And revive it he did. Come 1994, Walt Disney Studios was back on top: “The Lion King” was the No. 1 movie, the top-selling soundtrack with 25 million albums sold, and a blockbuster video game developed by Sega. Oh, and the No. 1 TV show — a half-hour family sitcom called “Home Improvement,” with Tim Allen — belonged to Disney, too. But all that success did little to stop ex-CEO Michael Eisner from firing him over irreconcilable differences.

The lesson learned? “Do good — just don’t do too good,” quipped the 63-year-old Hollywood exec onstage at a conference hosted by online file-sharing startup Box on Wednesday. Katzenberg is now CEO of DreamWorks Animation , the Glendale, Calif.- animation studio he co-founded with media moguls Steven Spielberg and David Geffen in 2004. Not every film has performed well at the box office — this March’s flop, “Mr. Peabody & Sherman,” cost the studio $57 million in the first quarter — but the studio has also produced blockbusters like “Shrek 2″ and “Shrek the Third.” And its most recent film, “How to Train Your Dragon 2,” crossed the $600 million mark in ticket sales this weekend.

The process by which Katzenberg and his studio go about making movies follows a general philosophy he’s followed for decades. “The one thing I always tried to do a little bit better than what I was expected to do,” he said. “When I go into a situation, whether it was an assignment I had, whether it was as a gopher [years ago], retrieving a danish for someone, or when I come into a staff meeting, I think about how I can exceed expectations and have people walk out of those engagements thinking, ‘well, that was a little bit better. I didn’t expect that.’ When people walk into any product or movie of ours, we want it to be a little bit more than what they were expecting. We don’t always succeed, but we really try hard.”
Case in point: Katzenberg’s 40th wedding anniversary with wife Marilyn isn’t until early next year, but the exec is already plotting a surprise for her. “I’m already working on how in the hell am I going to exceed her expectations,” he mused. “So, if you can you exceed the expectations of those people you’re in business with, almost every single time you will win.”


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